
The full reference for Altitude APIs.

class mygeotab.altitude.AltitudeAPI(username, password=None, database=None, session_id=None, server='', timeout=300, proxies=None, cert=None)[source]#
__init__(username, password=None, database=None, session_id=None, server='', timeout=300, proxies=None, cert=None)[source]#

A wrapper around mygeotab API for altitude users.

  • username (str) – The username used for MyGeotab servers. Usually an email address.

  • password (str) – The password associated with the username. Optional if session_id is provided.

  • database (str) – The database or company name. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication.

  • session_id (str) – A session ID, assigned by the server.

  • server (str or None) – The server ie. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication.

  • timeout (float or None) – The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes).

  • proxies (dict or None) – The proxies dictionary to apply to the request.

  • cert (str or Tuple or None) – The path to client certificate. A single path to .pem file or a Tuple (.cer file, .key file).


Exception – Raises an Exception if a username, or one of the session_id or password is not provided.

call_api(function_name: str, params: dict) dict[source]#

Supports getJobStatus calls, and getQueryResults calls. Retries in case of errors like connection rest.

create_job(params: dict) dict[source]#

creates the job with the given params.

check_job_status(params: dict) DaasGetJobStatusResult[source]#

checks the status of a given job. jobId needs to be included in params.

wait_for_job_to_complete(params: dict) dict[source]#

waits for a job to finish running and returns the job. jobId needs to be included in params.

fetch_data(params: dict) dict[source]#

fetch data for the given params. jobId needs to be included in params.

get_data(params: dict) list[source]#

uses and iterates through fetch_data for the given params, and returns the combined data. jobId needs to be included in params.

do(params: dict) list[source]#

given the parameters, will call the request, wait on it to finish and return the combined data.

class mygeotab.altitude.DaasResult(call_result: dict)[source]#

DaasResult class, the base class for all results returned from calling our application from the gateway


call_result (dict): The result returned from the api call, this includes our gateway information. api_result (dict): The “apiResult” the result computed by altitude application. jobs (list): all the possible results returned by the altitude application call, normally it should always have the length of 1. job (dict): first result returned by the altitude application call (first element of jobs). daas_errors (list): possible errors list that happened on the gateway. api_result_errors (list): possible errors list that happened on the altitude application. api_result_error_message (str): possible single error message that happened on the altitude application. api_result_error (DaasError): possible single error object that happened on the altitude application. errors (list): list of all the errors (gateway and altitude application) combined together.

__init__(call_result: dict)[source]#
class mygeotab.altitude.DaasGetJobStatusResult(call_result: dict)[source]#

DaasGetJobStatusResult class, the returned format for checking the status of the job


id (str): the id of the job returned status (dict): the status of the job state (str): the state of the job (from the status object)

__init__(call_result: dict)[source]#
class mygeotab.altitude.DaasGetQueryResult(call_result: dict)[source]#

DaasGetQueryResult class, the returned format for checking the result of the job


totalRows (str): the id of the job returned rows (list): the rows including the data pageToken (str): the token of the page

__init__(call_result: dict)[source]#
class mygeotab.altitude.DaasError(error: dict)[source]#
__init__(error: dict)[source]#