Source code for mygeotab.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Public objects and methods wrapping the MyGeotab API.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import re
import ssl
import sys
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
import urllib3
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.exceptions import Timeout
from urllib3.util.ssl_ import create_urllib3_context

from . import __title__, __version__
from .exceptions import AuthenticationException, MyGeotabException, TimeoutException
from .serializers import json_deserialize, json_serialize


[docs] class API(object): """A simple and Pythonic wrapper for the MyGeotab API."""
[docs] def __init__( self, username, password=None, database=None, session_id=None, server="", timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, proxies=None, cert=None, ): """Initialize the MyGeotab API object with credentials. :param username: The username used for MyGeotab servers. Usually an email address. :type username: str :param password: The password associated with the username. Optional if `session_id` is provided. :type password: str :param database: The database or company name. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication. :type database: str :param session_id: A session ID, assigned by the server. :type session_id: str :param server: The server ie. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication. :type server: str or None :param timeout: The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes). :type timeout: float or None :param proxies: The proxies dictionary to apply to the request. :type proxies: dict or None :param cert: The path to client certificate. A single path to .pem file or a Tuple (.cer file, .key file). :type cert: str or Tuple or None :raise Exception: Raises an Exception if a username, or one of the session_id or password is not provided. """ if username is None: raise Exception("`username` cannot be None") if password is None and session_id is None: raise Exception("`password` and `session_id` must not both be None") self.credentials = Credentials( username=username, session_id=session_id, database=database, server=server, password=password ) self.timeout = timeout self._proxies = proxies self.__reauthorize_count = 0 self._cert = cert
@property def _server(self): if not self.credentials.server: self.credentials.server = "" return self.credentials.server @property def _is_verify_ssl(self): """Whether or not SSL be verified. :rtype: bool :return: True if the calls are being made locally. """ return not any(s in get_api_url(self._server) for s in ["", "localhost"])
[docs] def call(self, method, **parameters): """Makes a call to the API. :param method: The method name. :type method: str :param parameters: Additional parameters to send (for example, search=dict(id='b123') ). :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :return: The results from the server. :rtype: dict or list """ if method is None: raise Exception("A method name must be specified") params = process_parameters(parameters) if self.credentials and not self.credentials.session_id: self.authenticate() if "credentials" not in params and self.credentials.session_id: params["credentials"] = self.credentials.get_param() try: result = _query( self._server, method, params, self.timeout, verify_ssl=self._is_verify_ssl, proxies=self._proxies, cert=self._cert, ) if result is not None: self.__reauthorize_count = 0 return result except MyGeotabException as exception: if == "InvalidUserException" or ( == "DbUnavailableException" and "Initializing" in exception.message ): if self.__reauthorize_count == 0 and self.credentials.password: self.__reauthorize_count += 1 self.authenticate() return, **parameters) else: raise AuthenticationException( self.credentials.username, self.credentials.database, self.credentials.server ) from exception raise
[docs] def multi_call(self, calls): """Performs a multi-call to the API. :param calls: A list of call 2-tuples with method name and params (for example, ('Get', dict(typeName='Trip')) ). :type calls: list((str, dict)) :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :return: The results from the server. :rtype: list """ formatted_calls = [dict(method=call[0], params=call[1] if len(call) > 1 else {}) for call in calls] return"ExecuteMultiCall", calls=formatted_calls)
[docs] def get(self, type_name, **parameters): """Gets entities using the API. Shortcut for using call() with the 'Get' method. :param type_name: The type of entity. :type type_name: str :param parameters: Additional parameters to send. A parameter called `resultsLimit` or `results_limit` will limit the number of entries returned. A `search` parameter can further limit results, for example search=dict(id='b123'). If a parameter called `search` is omitted, any additional parameters are automatically added to a `search` dictionary. This simplifies basic usage. The following are equivalent calls: api.get("Device", search={"id":"b2"}) api.get("Device", id="b2) :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :return: The results from the server. :rtype: list """ if parameters: # Detect resultsLimit if passed camelCase or python_case and # remove from parameters (otherwise they will become part of search) results_limit = parameters.get("resultsLimit") if results_limit is not None: del parameters["resultsLimit"] else: results_limit = parameters.get("results_limit") if results_limit is not None: del parameters["results_limit"] if "search" in parameters: parameters.update(parameters["search"]) del parameters["search"] parameters = dict(search=parameters, resultsLimit=results_limit) return"Get", type_name=type_name, **parameters)
[docs] def add(self, type_name, entity): """Adds an entity using the API. Shortcut for using call() with the 'Add' method. :param type_name: The type of entity. :type type_name: str :param entity: The entity to add. :type entity: dict :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :return: The id of the object added. :rtype: str """ return"Add", type_name=type_name, entity=entity)
[docs] def set(self, type_name, entity): """Sets an entity using the API. Shortcut for using call() with the 'Set' method. :param type_name: The type of entity. :type type_name: str :param entity: The entity to set. :type entity: dict :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. """ return"Set", type_name=type_name, entity=entity)
[docs] def remove(self, type_name, entity): """Removes an entity using the API. Shortcut for using call() with the 'Remove' method. :param type_name: The type of entity. :type type_name: str :param entity: The entity to remove. :type entity: dict :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. """ return"Remove", type_name=type_name, entity=entity)
[docs] def authenticate(self): """Authenticates against the API server. :raise AuthenticationException: Raises if there was an issue with authenticating or logging in. :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :return: A Credentials object with a session ID created by the server. :rtype: Credentials """ try: if self.credentials.session_id and not self.credentials.password: # Extend the session if only the session ID is present extend_session_data = dict( database=self.credentials.database, userName=self.credentials.username, sessionId=self.credentials.session_id, ) _query( self._server, "ExtendSession", extend_session_data, self.timeout, verify_ssl=self._is_verify_ssl, proxies=self._proxies, cert=self._cert, ) return self.credentials auth_data = dict( database=self.credentials.database, userName=self.credentials.username, password=self.credentials.password, ) result = _query( self._server, "Authenticate", auth_data, self.timeout, verify_ssl=self._is_verify_ssl, proxies=self._proxies, cert=self._cert, ) if result: if "path" not in result and self.credentials.session_id: # Session was extended return self.credentials new_server = result["path"] server = self.credentials.server if new_server != "ThisServer": server = new_server credentials = result["credentials"] self.credentials = Credentials( credentials["userName"], credentials["sessionId"], credentials["database"], server ) return self.credentials except MyGeotabException as exception: if == "InvalidUserException" or ( == "DbUnavailableException" and ("Initializing" in exception.message or "UnknownDatabase" in exception.message) ): raise AuthenticationException( self.credentials.username, self.credentials.database, self.credentials.server ) from exception raise
[docs] @staticmethod def from_credentials(credentials): """Returns a new API object from an existing Credentials object. :param credentials: The existing saved credentials. :type credentials: Credentials :return: A new API object populated with MyGeotab credentials. :rtype: API """ return API( username=credentials.username, password=credentials.password, database=credentials.database, session_id=credentials.session_id, server=credentials.server, )
[docs] class Credentials(object): """The MyGeotab Credentials object."""
[docs] def __init__(self, username, session_id, database, server, password=None): """Initialize the Credentials object. :param username: The username used for MyGeotab servers. Usually an email address. :type username: str :param session_id: A session ID, assigned by the server. :type session_id: str :param database: The database or company name. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication. :type database: str or None :param server: The server ie. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication. :type server: str or None :param password: The password associated with the username. Optional if `session_id` is provided. :type password: str or None """ self.username = username self.session_id = session_id self.database = database self.server = server self.password = password
def __str__(self): return "{0} @ {1}/{2}".format(self.username, self.server, self.database) def __repr__(self): return "Credentials(username={username}, database={database})".format( username=self.username, database=self.database )
[docs] def get_param(self): """A simple representation of the credentials object for passing into the API.authenticate() server call. :return: The simple credentials object for use by API.authenticate(). :rtype: dict """ return dict(userName=self.username, sessionId=self.session_id, database=self.database)
class GeotabHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter): """HTTP adapter to force use of TLS 1.2 for HTTPS connections.""" def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=False, **pool_kwargs): ssl_context = create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 self.poolmanager = urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager( num_pools=connections, maxsize=maxsize, block=block, ssl_context=ssl_context, **pool_kwargs ) def _query(server, method, parameters, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, verify_ssl=True, proxies=None, cert=None): """Formats and performs the query against the API. :param server: The MyGeotab server. :type server: str :param method: The method name. :type method: str :param parameters: The parameters to send with the query. :type parameters: dict :param timeout: The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes). :type timeout: float :param verify_ssl: If True, verify the SSL certificate. It's recommended not to modify this. :type verify_ssl: bool :param proxies: The proxies dictionary to apply to the request. :type proxies: dict or None :param cert: The path to client certificate. A single path to .pem file or a Tuple (.cer file, .pem file) :type cert: str or Tuple or None :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :raise urllib2.HTTPError: Raises when there is an HTTP status code that indicates failure. :return: The JSON-decoded result from the server. """ api_endpoint = get_api_url(server) params = dict(id=-1, method=method, params=parameters or {}) headers = get_headers() with requests.Session() as session: session.mount("https://", GeotabHTTPAdapter()) if cert: session.cert = cert try: response = api_endpoint, data=json_serialize(params), headers=headers, allow_redirects=True, timeout=timeout, verify=verify_ssl, proxies=proxies, ) except Timeout as exc: raise TimeoutException(server) from exc response.raise_for_status() content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type") if content_type and "application/json" not in content_type.lower(): return response.text return _process(json_deserialize(response.text)) def _process(data): """Processes the returned JSON from the server. :param data: The JSON data in dict form. :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when a server exception was encountered. :return: The result data. """ if data: if "error" in data: raise MyGeotabException(data["error"]) if "result" in data: return data["result"] return data def server_call(method, server, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, verify_ssl=True, proxies=None, **parameters): """Makes a call to an un-authenticated method on a server :param method: The method name. :type method: str :param server: The MyGeotab server. :type server: str :param timeout: The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes). :type timeout: float :param verify_ssl: If True, verify the SSL certificate. It's recommended not to modify this. :type verify_ssl: bool :param proxies: The proxies dictionary to apply to the request. :type proxies: dict or None :param parameters: Additional parameters to send (for example, search=dict(id='b123') ). :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server. :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time. :return: The result from the server. """ if method is None: raise Exception("A method name must be specified") if server is None: raise Exception("A server (eg. must be specified") parameters = process_parameters(parameters) return _query(server, method, parameters, timeout=timeout, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, proxies=proxies) def process_parameters(parameters): """Allows the use of Pythonic-style parameters with underscores instead of camel-case. :param parameters: The parameters object. :type parameters: dict :return: The processed parameters. :rtype: dict """ if not parameters: return {} params = copy.copy(parameters) for param_name in parameters: value = parameters[param_name] server_param_name = re.sub(r"_(\w)", lambda m:, param_name) if isinstance(value, dict): value = process_parameters(value) params[server_param_name] = value if server_param_name != param_name: del params[param_name] return params def get_api_url(server): """Formats the server URL properly in order to query the API. :return: A valid MyGeotab API request URL. :rtype: str """ parsed = urlparse(server) base_url = parsed.netloc if parsed.netloc else parsed.path base_url.replace("/", "") return "https://" + base_url + "/apiv1" def get_headers(): """Gets the request headers. :return: The user agent :rtype: dict """ return { "Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Python/{py_version[0]}.{py_version[1]} {title}/{version}".format( py_version=sys.version_info, title=__title__, version=__version__ ), } __all__ = ["API", "Credentials", "MyGeotabException", "AuthenticationException"]